Commercial Fence CONTRACTORS
Call Us: 817.648.9019
For all your GATE needs.
CALL US TODAY AT – (817) 648-9019
DFW GATE REPAIR has established a solid reputation in the Southlake and Dallas TX area and has installed Commercial Fence for at least a decade and finished some challenging jobs. DFW Gate Repair admits every Commercial Property has its own distinctive needs of Fencing.
Our design owner Rob can help you select the right Fence, Custom Gate and Access System which meets your requirements. We will give you an itemized, detailed quote outlining the cost of the Fence and Gate System. We supply American Made top-quality Fence materials and won’t compromise on quality or material to reduce the price. Give us a call today, (817) 648-9019 we’d appreciate a chance to work with you in creating an environment for your Commercial Property!
Commercial Fence for Distribution Facilities
Tired of losing wheels and tires to theft? We have a Moderate Security Fence solution for you. We recommend an 8’ Steel Fence panel with ¾” pressed pickets and 1.5” horizontal rails on 2.5-3” Articles. This Fence is challenging to climb and very hard to cut. This Fence can be obtained as a bracketed Fence System or a painted and welded Fence System.
Custom Iron Installation
DFW GATE REPAIR has the manpower and equipment to complete the job. We have been in business for more than a decade, specializing in Commercial Fencing. Additionally, to having a complete facility, we can utilize core drill machines with a wide assortment of bits from 2” to 12”, two Stihl concrete saws, two 90 lb. jack hammers, and a Bobcat S300 that may drill 10’ heavy piers. Along with field welder set ups, generators, along with a few other gear skills to set up the fence where you need it ! In a nutshell we’ve got the means to get your project assembled and get it done on time. Give us a call today, (817) 648-9019 for a free estimate.
Chain Link Fence Professional Installation
DFW Gate Repair has set up miles and miles of Chain Link Fence. we only purchase American made Chain Link Fence material and pipe. Chain Link Fence is great for protecting spectators at Sporting events. In addition, it works as a barrier fence or to set boundaries. Chain Link Fences can be the norm in Security Fence, however in my view, is only sensible where crooks or even people you don’t want to get in or out don’t have the appropriate tools to decrease the chances. Chain Link Fences will work nicely in a memory center, or probation center, low security prison or a drug rehabilitation center isn’t what you would consider a fantastic hindrance of theft or suitable Security Fence from this day and age.
Chain Link Fence Fabric (along with specs)
There are styles of Fabric to select from, knuckle-knuckle and knuckle-twist. Knuckle-knuckle is for schools and sports amenities. Knuckle-twist is used as Barrier Fence or low spending budget Safety Fence. There are different gauges of Chain Link Fabric. (Light, Medium and Heavy Duty). Our light duty Commercial Fence is built with our medium and 12-gauge cloth and heavy-duty fence is built with 9 gauge, which is heavier.
Chain Link Fence Light Duty Specification
We can employ a 1 5/8” schedule 10 Top Rail, with 2” schedule 20 Line Posts and 2 7/8” schedule 40 Terminal and Corner Posts. The 2 7/8” Terminal and Corner articles can be a bit overkill for a light duty fence but bear in mind we are committed to the construction of the being the best, we are not committed to being low bid. Hardy DFW Gate Repair is committed to offering competitive pricing without compromising the construction or mechanical soundness of the fence.
Security Fence for Both Commercial and Industrial
Preventing theft is a consideration for all business owners. In the end, losing a piece of expensive equipment may lead to havoc to both you or your customers. Additionally, preventing unauthorized access is essential to prevent unnecessary liability. Sadly, crooks have better tools compared to what they did decades back and several times, when protecting tens of thousands of dollars of tools or millions of dollars of gear, Chain Link Fence is not the answer. Fortunately, we have many choices for you. Additionally, we now have the tools, equipment and manpower to get the project done on time. Our panels can be painted with Sherwin Williams Industrial Enamel paint or Chem-coat or can be Powder coated black. Steel Security Fence: If you are protecting high end machinery, equipment, tools or merchandise, a Chain Link Fence isn’t going to do the trick. Knowing this entirely, we offer High Security Fence System, as an alternative for your Security Disability. This Fence System was designed to be structurally sound and to delay forced entry attempts. The Fence also acts as a barrier when employing the anti-crash cable option. Other advanced options, like Sensor detection systems and early warning alarm systems, make the systems perfect for High End Security Applications.